Annoyed At: Guys Who Hijack “Official” Days
It annoys me when…
Guys hijack “official” days for their own purposes, whether by design or out of ignorance. Today, May 29, 2015, is Major League Baseball Jersey Day. So my co-worker, Rob Langer, and I showed up sporting our official MLB team jerseys, Rob in a Mets jersey and me in a Yankees jersey.
Then another co-worker, Benji Shepherd, arrived. He was wearing an Everton jersey. Everton is a soccer team in England! Not only was Benji supporting the wrong sport (and the wrong country!) but when he turned around he revealed that his jersey wasn’t even official, it had his name on it!
If this had been the first time Benji had hijacked an “official” day in support of a competitor, I may have been able to let it slide. But it wasn’t. During the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, which was designed to raise awareness about and research money to fight that disease, I accepted the challenge and then challenged Benji. Benji did the Ice Bucket Challenge, but he did it for Doctors Without Borders. Now I’m sure Doctors Without Borders is a fine organization. But it wasn’t the Doctors Without Borders Challenge!
Sometimes conformity can be a good thing, sometimes. Benji has yet to come to a full appreciation of that fact.