Annoyed At: Janitorial Shortcuts

It annoys me when…

Makes me wonder if it all winds up in the same place anyway.
Makes me wonder if it all winds up in the same place anyway.

The janitorial staff takes an obvious shortcut. And then they don’t even bother to try and disguise it. Such was the case with the trash can pictured above. The lid contains two openings, each labeled. One says “Waste,” the other “Recycle.” But the can itself contains only one bag, so no matter which hole you deposit your trash through, it winds up in the same bag. Does it really require that much extra effort to hang a second bag in there? Or was this particular janitor so unconcerned about reprisals that he/she simply thought, “Heck with it, one bag is good enough.”? Maybe they have a really strong union. One thing is certain; anyone this lazy is certainly not going to take the time to separate the “waste” from the “recyclables” by hand. So much for “Green.”

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