My Favorite New App: Selfie

selfie-suggested user
Second from the bottom, that’s me!

I recently downloaded a new app for my iPhone, Selfie. It’s a video messaging app. It’s a lot like Twitter for video. With Twitter you’re limited to 140 characters. Selfie has a 24 second limit. And like Twitter, on Selfie you can follow people, reply to Selfies, send private Selfies and tag people in Selfies by placing the symbol @ in front of their user name.

Selife is so new, and I got in on it so early that my user name is Jerry. I’ve been talking about the app on the air and have found several of my listeners on the app. In fact, at least a couple of them have tried the app because they heard me talking about it on the air. And I’ve even posted a couple of Selfies while I was on the air.

The folks at Selfie saw those posts and added me to the list of “Suggested Users.” That’s people who are active on the app and who show up in the “Find People” section. Pretty impressive, if I do say so myself.

So let me encourage you to download Selfie, and follow me. I promise, I’ll follow you back. My fellow JOY FM co-worker Rob Langer has the app too, his user name is RobJOYFM, but he hasn’t posted any selfies yet. If you download the app follow him as well, and then tag him in your first Selfie and tell him he needs to get busy posting. Be sure you’re getting the correct app, it’s by Selfie Inc. Here’s the link to the app on the Apple App Store .(I don’t think it’s available for Android yet.)

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