Some Random Thursday Thoughts

Thinker me edit-text

It occurs to me that I haven’t posted anything here in quite some time. At least nothing of real substance. Not that this entry will amount to anything substantive, but, perhaps, it will turn out to be better than the silence that has graced this space for weeks.

God’s Goodness
This is a subject which crosses my mind regularly. And, more often than not, it lingers. Currently our radio network, The JOY FM, is in the midst of Friend Raiser. That’s one of our on-air fund raising events. We do this twice a year. As a listener-supported non-commercial broadcast ministry we rely heavily on the contributions of listeners for our financial support. (We also receive some support from businesses who are like-minded.) I’m not sure what amazes me more; the fact that people (thousands of them) so joyfully give of their financial resources to support what God is doing through a radio station, or that God has seen fit to allow me to be a part of changing lives through this ministry.

Twice a year, Friend Raiser in the spring and Sharathon in the fall, we get to hear story after story of how hearts have been softened, relationships have been mended, lives have been saved and more as listeners call in to make a gift and tell us how the Lord has impacted them through what they’ve experienced of Him because of The JOY FM family of radio stations.

I Need A Haircut
(See picture above. I warned you these thoughts were random.)

People Don’t Understand What The Word “Judging” Really Means
Not that I’m prepared to address that topic right now, but I have given it a good deal of thought over the past few years and will (hopefully) eventually address that topic here. I have actually been considering using that topic as a springboard for a recurring series of posts on Christian misconceptions; meaning misconceptions made by and about Christians. No timeline has yet been established for tackling these topics, but the thought has been floating around, so it qualifies today for this post.

I’m Tired Of The Cold
This winter has been an especially chilly one here in Georgia. Earlier this week we actually had temperatures well into the 70s, but today it’s windy and chilly and the low tonight will dip to right around freezing. I’m ready for spring, baseball and long, aimless motorcycle rides. My grandmother used to say that the weather hasn’t been the same since Neil Armstrong took that one small step onto the lunar surface. I’m beginning to think she may have been on to something

I Need A Concluding Thought Here
You know, something to tie this all together and bring some sort of cohesion to these few random thoughts. Nothing’s coming to me though. Maybe that’s just as well. More later. Thanks for your indulgence.

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